If you’re going to put forth the effort needed to construct your own guitar, then it should be made from the best quality materials available. Paul Vogt, the man behind PVX Guitars, insists that everyone who chooses one of his kits will get exactly that advantage. PVX provides solid body electric guitar kits that will meet or exceed the expectations of all DIY builders from first-timers to those who have been constructing instruments for years.
He says the dedication to his products is rooted in a passion for playing guitar and craftsmanship that started long before he sold his first kit. Growing up in North Carolina, Paul Vogt discovered his self-proclaimed addiction to playing the guitar at age nine. Prior to this discovery, Paul spent much of his time building things. It was in his blood. From model airplanes to go-karts, Paul was constantly looking to build.
A job in a local music store gave Paul more exposure to musical instruments and that is where he realized he could send off for a plain wooden guitar body and neck and combine his two interests – playing guitar and building things. “I was jazzed about the idea of building my own guitar,” Vogt said. “Eventually I built my own solid body guitar from scratch. I was never a great player, but I continued to be passionate about building.” College led Paul down the engineering path, and after graduating as a mechanical engineer he found himself immersed in the world of industrial controls and automation. While engineering is still his day job, it provided the fuel he needed to re-light that old fire he felt for building guitars. He’d use his knowledge to begin working on a plan to start another business. “Since I was working in automation, I realized 12 or 15 years ago that building a custom woodworking machine that could carve a solid body electric guitar was very doable,” Vogt said. So, he did.
Over the course of two years Paul welded together a computer numerical control machine (C.N.C.) that eventually allowed him to automate a router that can produce guitar parts he designs in AutoCAD – a commercial drafting software utilized by engineers. Paul put the machine to use in 2007, creating the very first PVX Guitar – one he still has in his office today. Over the next year he formulated the business plan and launched the PVX website in 2009, working out of his basement. It didn’t take long for the first sales inquiry to come in. However, instead of the expected reach to DIY enthusiasts in nearby Charlotte or Atlanta, Paul got a call from a man named Alexi Saud on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea.
After some debate about the shipping of the kit, Alexei Sammut became the first PVX Guitar customer. Lots more orders followed, and the reviews were good. PVX has since moved to a larger dedicated location with a shop full of Paul’s self-designed equipment to help make consistent, high quality guitars.
As the business continues to grow, Paul says PVX remains focused on the things he believes sets them apart from others in the field; Quality and customer service. “I’m personally involved with every guitar we ship,” Vogt said. “Every time I speak to a customer I tell them thank you for letting us be a part of your project.
I talk a lot about heirloom quality with our guitars and that’s what people are getting. It’s a special project that a person is putting their heart and soul into. “I’m only going to be proud of what I’m doing here if I know I’m making the best solid body electric guitar that it is possible to make at any price. If I have new ideas, I’ll constantly chase those ideas to ensure this is the best quality guitar you can make.”